洞察力 2023年3月17日

Four important lessons on the road to decarbonisation


How can organisations successfully navigate the path to net zero?

这个问题, 和更多的, were tackled at a lively forum on getting ‘脱碳, 交付的, 今年2月,Mitie在碎片大厦的总部吸引了大批观众.

To build on the momentum of the 净零航海家, the event brought together leading 行业 figures, public and private sector clients, and Mitie’s in-house experts, to discuss the way forward for net zero.

And in his keynote speech, Managing Partner at EP组, 史蒂文·福克斯博士, explored four key lessons on the road to a more sustainable future, 下面的总结.

We are entering the era of the 能源 ‘prosumer’

Guests at the 脱碳, 提供早餐简报,听取人们如何消耗和生产能源,成为“生产消费者”

早在1991年,英国就迈出了去碳化的第一步, with the opening of the first onshore wind farm. 它由400千瓦时的风力涡轮机提供动力,是化石燃料的一种可行的清洁替代品.

Although a modest power output by today’s standards, 该设施帮助引领了可持续创新和可靠供应的巨大变化, 可再生能源.

Dr Fawkes explained that we are now entering phase two of this journey, which focuses on rising demand for 可再生能源, 自己生殖, and distributed 能源 models.

“Phase two is turning us into what Alvin Toffler, 著名的未来主义者, “潜在客户”,福克斯博士说. “人们比以往任何时候都更多地使用诸如 太阳能电池板. 我们还看到,随着企业结合技术以满足对可再生能源日益增长的需求,行业正在趋同.”

But what does this mean for our built environments? 随着越来越多的人成为生产消费者,财政补贴鼓励了融合, the cost of 可再生能源 falls – and so do the means to generate it.


“但是现在, 我们需要在如何有效利用能源方面更加负责任, and change the mindset of consumers,他补充道.

With power comes responsibility

Mike Sewell, Mitie Plan Zero Director, answers questions from guests

Typically, 能源 users have a passive mindset. 你打开开关,打开水龙头,或者点燃煤气火焰,你需要的能量就在那里. 人们倾向于认为提高可持续性是别人的责任.

这就是为什么, to accelerate decarbonisation, 我们必须承担责任,建立一个更高效、更可持续的能源体系.

“更好地管理能源效率是一个巨大的机会,”福克斯博士说. “英国大多数冷凝燃气锅炉都设置在高流量,但不冷凝, and if you turn the flow temperature down, there’s no reduction in comfort but you save six percent on gas.”

“Look at schools, too – so many still get heated over the weekend. I thought that had stopped with the use of timers, but it hasn’t. These are easy measures we can take when building, designing and managing facilities to save 能源 in the long-term,他补充道.

When designing and constructing the buildings we occupy, 许多决策者都面临着尽快完成项目的压力, and have little time to think about improving 能源 efficiency. This often means taking the path of least resistance, such as opting for the same solutions from the same suppliers.

“There are groups out there helping to change this mentality, including multilateral banks,福克斯博士说. “我们与 Energy Efficiency 金融 Institutions Group, who encourage financial institutions to put 能源 efficiency first. 例如, when asked to finance a building or plant, they will always ask how 能源 efficient it will be. And the more we normalise this behaviour, the faster we can decarbonise.”

Confront the thorny issue of biodiversity and decarbonisation

Beyond the economic benefits achieved through 自己生殖, 福克斯博士解释说,即使在设计和建造可再生能源工厂和设施时,你也不能忘记对环境、社会和治理的责任.

“Phase two requires us to think about all impacts of 能源 use. Say you’re building a photovoltaic (PV) plant to generate clean 能源, 这很好,直到你考虑到你的整体结构将如何影响 open land and biodiversity他说。.

随着人们越来越意识到生物多样性减少的潜在后果, 私营和公共机构在建设或扩建场地和设施时承担责任的压力就会更大.

“对生物多样性的威胁可能是比气候变化更大的问题,”福克斯博士说. “Humans can deal with higher temperatures, 但是如果我们杀死了所有的蜜蜂,没有任何东西可以给植物授粉,那么我们就都完蛋了. So, if you’re building a PV plant, you can’t afford the hypocrisy of ignoring its impact on biodiversity.”

Money makes a greener world go round


投资者正面临来自气候相关财务披露特别工作组(TCFD)和可持续财务披露条例(SFDR)等机构的压力。,福克斯博士说. “And that pressure impacts their investments. Many want to deploy capital into sustainable projects. And that’s a good thing, 因为金钱万能, and when money says it wants to do something, 这很容易发生.”

扩大规模 可再生能源供应 has had a big impact on 能源 costs, with renewables becoming the cheapest source of 能源 in many markets. 虽然仍然有一些来自现有能源生产商的阻力, economics will take precedence. But the shift to a more flexible, 聚合, 以及产消模式, 由电网的能源消耗和现场的能源生产驱动, 不会在一夜之间发生.

“这些新模式将有助于使低成本机构资本更容易获得, 即使你只是建立一个独立的自我发电工厂作为一个更大的投资组合的一部分,福克斯博士说. “The future of 能源 supply and demand is localised and self-generating, and if our progress so far is anything to go by, it’ll be here before we know it.”

Watch these insights to spark your 能源 strategy

完成下面的表格,以访问史蒂文·福克斯博士的主题演讲从我们的脱碳, Delivered breakfast briefing.

